Thursday, August 12, 2010

The 3 Guinea Pigs.

Because some people have never heard one and... I hope the middle one creeps you out too.


  1. Dear Kelly,
    I just wanted to thank you for encouraging a good 15-20min of youtube time with that started off as an innocent inquiry into one of the other guinea pig videos...which then spiraled into watching bunny videos...which then made miss my bunnies. I really want another one now. Just thought I'd let you know ;)

  2. Haha... glad I could provide some entertainment! I actually found that video because someone's blog had a post titled "I'm tired, so here is a video of a cat" and the video was of a cat rolling around trying to cuddle a guinea pig! lol So I think clicked on this awesome/creepy video! PS I think you are the first person to comment on one of my posts! Whoop.
