Friday, August 13, 2010

A "Green" Morsel...

that could earn you some green!

I just heard about this site, You Renew, and that it really does work.

As in... you send in your things and you actually will receive a check in exchange. (or recycle your goodies if they have no more value for free! nice.)

Graphic Nudity.

During my almost daily perusal of Offbeat Bride I saw the above amazingly interactive 8 bit wedding invite and the below blissfully Naked Fruit save the date! (which I visit not because of an obsession over weddings but because I am addicted to offbeat stuff!) If you pull the ribbon on the rad Nintendo invitation a little 8 bit bride and groom pop out of the pipe! Wowza.

Photo by Patrick Wright via Offbeat Bride

I would love to see my friends and family receive this save the date! Majority of them would be scandalized... which i kinda love.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The 3 Guinea Pigs.

Because some people have never heard one and... I hope the middle one creeps you out too.

This Little Piggy Became a Table.

Just because the description makes me grin...

These colourful stools go by the name of "Schweinchen" and prefer to appear in herds. The friendly "Piggies" are inspired by greek butcher blocks – with crooked legs and vivid colours, they awake to new life. The unique pieces are stackable and feature a convenient storage compartment. Herd #2 – coloursheme by Sandra Bruns.

(via Form Fjord)

A Bearded Morsel.

This one goes out to all the beard lovers and/or bearded lovers.

I think I want to watch this movie (The Winter of the Beard).
I think I got a little emotional just viewing the trailer.
I think I am okay with that.

You can buy it here.

(via Beard Revue)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

More than a Cuff.

Tired of having smudged smart phones and dirty spectacle/sun-glass/camera lenses without a nice soft cloth in sight?

Well hello!

Why aren't you wearing one of these Wipe Shirts that has it's very own built in de-grimer?

And so stylish too.


Maybe you are short 13,650 yen...

Read more about this fashion statement here!

(via Max Wanger Blog)

(Web Morsels has not reviewed any products shown and is not being paid to promote said products.)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Knitted Squees.

Squee! This rattle from Blabla Kids is stinkin' adorable! This website's cute cup is about to runneth over. Seriously. Just look below:

(Web Morsels has not reviewed any products shown and is not being paid to promote said products.)

Be My Valentino.

I think I like this song. I know I like the video.

(via Max Wanger Blog [the groom in my Wedding Bliss] post)

Alone isn't Lonely.

How to be alone.

I like this.

(via Freckle Wonder)

Psychedelic Doll Dwelling.

Uhhh serious dollhouse envy going on here. Now only If I had around $1,500 I could get one of these for my very own.
Filming for The Collectors 17
Photo credit The Shopping Sherpa
"As the interchangeable exterior walls of the dollhouse slide open and overlap one another, their colors change in hue and value."

Then if I had even more money I could fill it with Mini Designer Chairs ($12 a pop)!

Some Lite Reading.

har har har... get it? lite reading... as in wow that's a tiny book!
Miniature 1/12th scale book
(via The Shopping Sherpa's flikr pool)

Wedding Bliss.

Max, Margaux, & The Marvelows from Shark Pig on Vimeo.

Yup. I love everything about this video and the wedding it contains. I mean there were blankets for picnics, tiny sewn hearts, messages in bushes, well wishes written on fabric, and lots of love and smiles.

(via Once Wed)

No Pinched Cheeks Here.

I found this nugget for aunts, whether related or honorary, that is chock (I don't think I have ever typed that word in my life) full of great ways to win a My Aunt Rocks! mug. Savvy Auntie has a bit of everything, from learning about nutritional/physical/special needs etc to activity ideas, ways to spoil, to providing a place where you can find other aunties like you.
"The first community for cool aunts, great aunts, godmothers, and all women who love kids."

Monday, August 9, 2010

I'd Say Yes.



Angela and Ithyle's engagement is perfection and her "doodle" is just. wow. (The blog I found these on... you should check it out.)

Stimulating Stationary.

Check out these blank greeting cards just waiting for some creativity. You can buy the male/female or person-in-a-dress/person-wearing-pants [I think there are pants there ;) but I don't actually see any] or transvestite/tomboy [or however you wish to see these paper people] for just $3.95 at Poketo! Also at Poketo for a mere $3.25 are these Capsule Letters that would make great get well cards!

"Message in a bottle? How about a message in a capsule. Write a secret love note and slip it in a coat pocket, in a lunch bag or underneath a pillow. Small but potent, a definite cure for sure!"

Puppy Love.

Graphic Art.

"he refuses to work with a magnifying glass, and only uses three tools – a razor blade, sewing needle and sculpting knife."

Dalton Ghetti's sculptures carved out of pencil tips officially blow. my. mind. Click here to see more pictures.

(via Inhabitat)

Anonymous, Good and Bad.

When I was in Jr. High I carried my books like a girl. Guess it is good I have the essential parts to back up my book carrying style.

(via Buzz Feed)

Cycling IQ.

For all the people that are fascinated by the Nike + iPod but hate to run might have an alternative. That is... if you don't also hate to ride a bike or don't have deep pockets. Apple has published a patent for an unamed smart bike.
"The Bicycle system monitors speed, distance, time, altitude, elevation, incline, decline, heart rate, power, derailleur setting, cadence, wind speed, path completed, expected future path, heart rate, power, and pace."

(via Patently Apple)

LEGOs + Adults

“making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.” Charles Mingus

This masterpiece was created for Dublin's Boys and Girls advertising agency by ABCG Architecture & Design. How could you nod off during a meeting at this "playful but not juvenile" table? To make it even better, it was put together brick by brick just like kids would do (with no glue!). Now if only I had 22,742 LEGOs I could build a table for myself! I really hope the hole in the middle contains one of those fabric bags full of LEGOs...

(via Inhabitat)

May Make You Aww.

Vampires that Hopefully Suck Less.

This should be good because of one thing: no Robert Pattinson. gag.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Structural Reading.

"Chosen because of their nature as seat of knowledge, as symbols of intrinsically human free thought, books are here “used” as raw materials for an artistic process existing and communicating on many distinct levels."

The artist, Matej Krén, has installed this massive book fortress (Scanner) was recently in the Museum of Modern Art in Bologna. The narrow interior filled with mirrors is designed to freak you out and/including screw with your perceptions. Click here for more photos of Krén's giant stack of books.

(via The Daily What)

Graffiti ist Kunst.

Tumblingerstraße from yo man on Vimeo.

A stop motion animation of Munich's legal graffiti wall on Tumblingerstraße. How fantastic is that? I (in case you haven't noticed) am a big fan of graffiti.