Thursday, October 14, 2010

Automatic Funny.

Privacy Curtain Watches You.

HA. I would probably never get any work done because I'd be too busy watching people react to my privacy curtain...

(via Today and Tomorrow)

Nom-able Art.

"Foodscapes is a series by photographer Carl Warner in which he creates beautiful surreal landscapes using various foods. Warner starts by visualizing and sketching his ideas, which are then built on a large table in his studio with the help of his team. Large blocks of polystyrene are carved and covered with ingredients in order to make the hills seen in his photos, while shallow tanks are used to create lakes, rivers, and seas. Photographs for three different layers (foreground, middle ground, and background) are captured separately and then combined in post."
nom nom nom.

Click here to see many more creations!

(via Peta Pixel)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Street Swinging.

Street Art + Swings = One of the Most Amazing Things Ever According to Kelly (me). I can't even begin to know how I would react to swings popping up all over my city. There could be some tears, happy happy tears. Swinging is one of those things that make you (or at least me) beautifully happy every time. I get one of those dopey grins and as long as my butt isn't being pinched I could happily remain swinging and grinning for hours.

"Seeking to add some life to the drab grey pedestrian paths, artists Akay and Peter went around Stockholm, Sweden hanging 65 fun, ninja-like swings for the public to play with... it seems that joy and whimsy are necessary elements of sustainable design."

(via Inhabitat

Hallucinating Morsel.

As long as you are not prone to photosensitive epilepsy then you should click this link and follow the instructions.
I am pretty sure this is as close to being high off hallucinogenics as I will ever be.

Vintage Listing.

How blissfully perfect is this retro radio? When I first saw the EVOKE Mio by Orla Kiely I thought it was just another amazing thrift store find someone else had the luck to find, and I was doomed to wander through thrift stores in search of my very own radio that of course this person would have scored for $2 and in perfect working order... but this. This is something I could buy (assuming I had money to do so) and it has all these sweet features an actual vintage radio wouldn't have (obviously).
"More than just a design exercise, EVOKE Mio by Orla Kiely sounds fantastic too being based on own multi-award winning EVOKE-1S. It is packed with features too, including digital and FM radio, an input for your iPod/MP3 player, Intellitext and textSCAN, a striking auto-dimming OLED display, an alarm, a kitchen timer and a USB connector for future product upgrades."

(via Pure)

(Web Morsels has not reviewed any products shown and is not being paid to promote said products.)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pixilation Project.

DAY DRUNK from Eric Hanus on Vimeo.

"The project was shot on a Bolex NonRelfex 16mm film camera. It was done this spring along with Jeremy and Russell (in the credits) for an Advanced Experimental Film Production class. Instead of going for an abstract, art-house type project, our goal was to create a narrative using a rarely seen experimental technique; pixilation. Since the camera is designed for 16mm motion pictures, we had to disengage the motor and manually trigger the camera to advance one frame at a time." Eric Hanus

(via Peta Pixel)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Because Apparently It's a Love-ly Monday...

here is another video of a happy couple. Only this time... it is to the tune of the Fresh Prince intro.

If Rube Goldberg Proposed.

"At nearly eight minutes, this video is certainly….long. But, much like with any Rube Goldberg experiment, the payoff is that much sweeter. It’s not just about the final result (guy builds machine, guy asks girl to marry him, girl says yes); it’s also about the process. This dude was so excited to ask his girlfriend of nine and a half years to marry him that he turned the proposal into an outlandish sport. I like that. He wanted to impress her, and he even queued up the Rocky theme song to celebrate the victory. What surprise could be cuter than that?" Wedinator


LEGO Love.

I think... I love everything about this save the date. I think.
I know I love the song, it always reminds me of my beau... and my Barcelona roomie who first introduced me to it. Then I love every video made with LEGO people, having made a lovely one myself with my other roomies. It is stop motion, and since that involves photography, well I love that too.